When painting I pick up the nearest sheet of paper to
hand and the same goes for my shopping
Today’s list of things to do before Christmas is
scribbled on a scrap of all-rag water colour paper. It’s not much to write home about, except
that between engineering at the top and groceries at the bottom, there’s a
reminder to e-mail models.
The e-mails are to thank them for their dedicated support over
the last twelve months. Without them I
would have had to put up the studio shutters and call it a day. Over the last few months calls for my work as an
engineer has meant cancelling one session after another. But regardless, my muses are always there in
readiness to share the triumphs and tribulations of capturing the beauty of the
human form.
As my regular readers are aware, it often takes me months to
evaluate a painting. This is why I
resist discarding what I at first consider to be a failure. This painting of Tashani is a case in
point. Three months ago I cast it aside
but now I can see where it came close to succeeding: in particular, with the hands and the curve at the base of the spine.