Tuesday, August 29, 2017

To disturb those who are calm

My mission statement as an artist is to calm those who are disturbed and to disturb those who are calm.

In pursuit of the latter my opening picture shows this year’s incoming students listening to the opening address at the Dominica State College. The video clip below is of Shah Rukh Khan addressing students at the University of Edinburgh.  

The students are similar, the message is the same, but the difference between the boredom of one and the enthralment of the other is the messenger. One opened with the hope that the students had listened to the Prime Minister’s budget speech (yawn) and the other with the admittance that his face was ugly (laughs).  

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

One thing leads to another

One thing leads to another and at the moment nothing is leading me back to painting.

Making the equipment I need for paper making is taking all of my time and creative ingenuity. Living on a small Caribbean island means that can’t pop into town and buy the bits and pieces I need. Instead everything has to be made in my workshop, including the vee belt pulleys needed to reduce the speed of the beater roller. Another week and I should be up and running.

Today’s opening picture shows the work in progress.

For those more interested in the beauty of the nude rather than the beauty of the mechanical here is a five minute sketch from a few months ago.

Friday, August 11, 2017

The power to live passionately

How I love the words that are the title of today’s post. They are taken from the announcement of the event shown in today’s opening picture. In full the by-line reads: For the love of dance and the power to live passionately.

My week has been one of diversions: first, a National Holiday and then a day spent attending a University of the West Indies Open Campus Conference. The conference, on the theme of Dominica’s indigenous race, the Kalinagos, comprised of one academic presentation after another. The passion was provided by brief guest performances by Salybia Primary School children and Kalinago dancers.  Sorry, I was so enthralled that I missed getting their photo! 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Thirsting to get back to painting

Recently my days have been spent making equipment for paper making. But I’m thirsting to get back to painting. The first picture is where I left off over a month ago. Be warned: my built up creative energy will explode on the first inspirational model that comes my way.

In the meantime: back to the workbench and the 24 blade beating roll that will be used for making paper pulp.