My new camera has enabled me to view and edit a box of video tapes that I took twenty years ago. The tapes had been put away and all but forgotten about. One of them records work in progress on a sculpture of my son Tristan. Tristan had no means of knowing at nine months old that he'd be the brains behind editing the video twenty-one later.
I can now say, as Dylan Thomas said of poetry: By God it moves...and so by God it does!
Follow this link to view the video:
This is the first of many work in progress videos that I have in mind. The quality of the presentations will improve with time, so bare with me. The User Manual for the editing program I'm using runs to 586 pages and that for my still and video cameras run to an additional 347 pages. That's a lot for my dyslexic brain to absorb. Fortunately, I have my computer savvy son on board to get me out of difficulties.