Sunday, June 20, 2021

I give credit to God

God Creating the Earth. 
A relief on the door of the church of St. James the Greater, Porto, Azzurro, Elba, Italy.

If "the things that you're liable to read in the bible" are true, I give credit to God. He had an idea and singlehandedly created the world. No committees were involved and he finished the job in six days. 

In contrast I've received the following from a building preservation society.

Join our Slack Workplace!
This is the workplace for member communication. 
Please click on the link below and select the KAI (Committee) you would like to be a part of. 
The platform is divided into channels or rooms - think of them as virtual meeting places. 

There are 4 main channels: General, Announcements, Inspiration, Live Events and Meetings.

Then there are the 7 Kai's - join as many as you would like, but please make sure you can and will contribute to its success. This cannot happen without you!  We will do training once everyone is in.  See you there!

Once in my younger days (I stress the word "once") I attended similar in person table-to-table brain-dulling event. Within five minutes I'd lost the plot. Now that I'm older and wiser I realise that committees and group attempts at creative solutions are a colossal waste of time. If God had used the Slack/Kai approach we'd still be floating around the universe as a wisp of gas.

I feel sure that the sculptor that created the relief in the opening picture did so unaided. There are numerous "stock" photos of the relief on the internet. Not one gives credit to the sculptor but they all expect credit to be given to themselves. All I have to go on is the signature in the bottom righthand corner. Can any of my followers in Italy help?

In the meantime, my credit to the unknown sculptor is: I wish I'd have created that.

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