Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Missing but not forgotten

Alice. Seated with head resting on hands.

While searching through hundreds of colour slides and prints I found faded photographs of these two drawings from my 1989 BVI exhibition "A Portrait of Alice". The exhibition served to highlight the natural beauty of the Afro-Caribbean woman - Alice my model and assistant was from the island of St. Vincent. None of the drawings sold, and all but these two remain in my collection. The two that are missing but not forgotten, were given as gifts; one to Alice, and one to the manager of the hotel that bravely sponsored the exhibition.

The year that I worked with Alice marked a turning point in my work; from the popularity of palm fringed beaches to the beauty and profundity of the human form. 

Alice. Seated with hands resting on back of chair.

Alice. Portrait Bust.

My portrait bust of Alice was also included in the exhibition and has pride and place in my studio.

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