Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Revealing the abstract

 A Different Way of Seeing
(Click on the image to view video) 

Fifty-five years ago, as an aspiring artist, I exhibited my paintings on the pavements of France, straight from the pages of my sketchbook. There was no aloof gallery attendant between artist and buyer.  My sketches were framed by falling leaves and lit by sunlight and shadow. When exhibited as pictures on walls, they are detached from their poetic origins.

Many years ago, I began experimenting with viewing paintings beyond the limitations of size and venue. I projected them as colour slides to the size of a house wall. More recently, video editing programs have enabled me to zoom into details and pan over the image. I have found paintings within a painting and details that border on the abstract.

The looser the painting, the greater is its potential for transformation. For this to happen, the freedom of my watercolours and pastels is an enabling factor. I found a rich source of material in the hundreds of paintings that over the years I have cast aside as perceived failures. When viewing these paintings larger than life, I found inspirational passages that begged to be retrieved.

Fishing boats, crowds at the carnival and the English countryside were a rich source of paintings within a painting. And the more creative and less defined the painting, the greater its abstract content, as proved to be the case in a still life and the riotous colours found in a single spray of flowers.

For my experiments the subject of the painting was incidental and my video invites you to experience a different way of seeing.  

Revealing the abstract 

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