Friday, April 1, 2011

Low ivied walls and the lure of the sea…

The two and a half acres of gardens that surround the studio will make a dramatic stetting for my sculptures.  In my minds eye I have visualised reposing figures that one day will nestle in secluded hollows and others that will embrace the sky from the hilltops.  That is providing my eye does not wander from our hilltop to the Caribbean Sea where, to quote Humber Wolf:

            The ships of youth are running,
            Close-hauled on the edge of the wind.
            With all adventure before them,
            And only the old behind.

For another snatch of poetry warns that:

            He who has known the heights and depths,
Shall not again know peace.
Not as the calm heart knows,
Low, ivied walls, a garden close,
The sweet enchantment of a rose.

A cast of my sculpture The Dancing Girls is already firmly in situ on the broad expanse of sun dappled lawn that boarders our driveway.  The figures are life-size, but appear diminutive against the lush tropical foliage, as does the far horizon when I turn my back on the sculpture and gaze towards the Caribbean Sea. 


  1. How wonderful to have your own sculptures in your own tropical garden!

    One item on my 'must do' list for this year is a visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

  2. There is a an excellent exhibition in the Sculpture Park this year until sometime in September. Great to have the grounds to house your own sculptures!
