Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ten years ago in the pouring rain…

Ten years ago in the pouring rain my bronze figures for the city of Leeds arrived from the foundry.  By the time they were off loaded and hoisted in position, I was wet through to the skin.  Moreover, Leeds rain is cold rain, not like the warm showers that fall on Dominica. 

The look of anxiety on my face reflects the tension that accompanies this final moment of truth.  Up to then, the figures had only been seen by a select few, either in the confines of my studio or amongst the clutter of the foundry floor.  Now they are out in the open and exposed to the gaze to their rightful owners – the man, woman and child in the street.

1 comment:

  1. Good gracious, was it just ten years ago. I seem to remember that, at the opening, both Gladys and Albert were there - it must have been one of the last times we were all together. I passed the Leeds statues the other day - they still look well.
