Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Creepers and Calligraphy

 Creepers. My latest Bare Minimum Design

I have used an invasive creeper that grows in profusion on the land that surrounds my studio to decorate the latest dress in my Bare Minimum collection. It was an experiment in applying fabric dye with the speed that I paint in watercolour. By working fast, and not let my brush linger at any point, I avoid the dye bleeding against the surrounding fabric. As with my watercolours, speed and timing are critical. The splashes are all part of the effect that I am after.

Design Detail

I have finally found the best way of adding text to my designs. After experimenting with pastels and permanent felt tip markers, I've gone all the way back to the traditional brush techniques of master Chinese calligraphers. Again speed is of the essence.

Sample brush script painted with fabric dye on cotton voile.

Whereas not many artists are fortunate enough to have had a talented calligrapher as a model, I have. But until Verlena returns from her studies at the University of the West Indies, I must do the best I can. Below is the clay sketch for a sculpture I made of Verlena before she left.

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