Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sound, vision and the written word

Today's image is the header of a blog that has had just two brief spurts of life over the last ten years. I am now in the process of resurrecting the notes with sound, vision and the written word: that being a series of art tutorials videos together with a book on the same subject.

It will serve as an antidote for those who have suffered an overdose of insipid tutorial art videos. My intention is to put the passion back into art. So be warned, viewing and reading will not be for the faint hearted. I can already hear the scratching of censorous pens.

By getting the message across by different means, I may find, as J B Priestley found of his wartime broadcasts:

I have been hard at it getting through to the public mind, one way or another, for about twenty years, but as a medium of communication broadcasting makes everything seem like the method of a secret society.

If the author found that to be true of a five minute talk on the radio over 80 years ago, I wonder what he'd make of today's social media.

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