Saturday, April 27, 2024




My daughter Trina lives in the UK and her two year old son Zeke, has recently started attending pre-school. A couple of weeks ago the school expressed concern about his speech, or rather his inability to speak. I told my daughter not to worry. 

I didn't start talking until I was five. (My brother says I've made up for it since!) I couldn't even pronounce my own name. The closest I could get to Roger was "Ory", and until their dying day my parents always referred to me as "our Ory". Perhaps, like me, he's dyslexic. If so, we have another creative person in the family.

Trina took my advice, and instead of worrying bought him a box of paints and sat him down in front of my latest video. The paints and video held him spellbound. But that isn't all. Yesterday, when she collected him from school, the teachers told her of a strange happening. At playtime, when the other children in his group played on bikes, slides and swings, he saw some of the older children painting. He promptly went over to them, picked up a pad and paint box, and very contentedly sat down in the playground and started to paint. My daughter was overjoyed. Just like his grandfather, he had found his individual place in life. 

But that isn't all. A similar story recently repeated itself in the British Virgin Islands. My son Karl is an accomplished potter. After watching my video "Releasing Your Creative Potential" his ten year old son Kem, came up with the drawing below.

If the current work of Zeke and Kem is anything to go buy, I can rest assured that my creative genes have been inherited by my grandchildren.

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