Saturday, September 7, 2024

Three remarkable ladies

Diane Lawrenson's sculpture of Anne Lister

The first of my remarkable ladies is Anne Lister who in earlier times lived within a mile of the village where I spent my childhood and teenage years.

The second, is Helena Whitbread. She also spent her childhood within a few miles of Anne Lister's home. Helena tells of her research into the life of Anne Lister, and of her own inspirational life story in two excellent video documentaries. One about Anne Lister  and the other, about her own life.   

The third is sculptress Diane Lawrenson. I award her sculpture my best alcollade, that being, I wish I'd have created that!

I can relate to what Diane says about her work.

To be a figurative sculptor working in a medium as eternal and solid as bronze, calls for extraordinary practical abilities and creative ambition. This is the medium of Rodin and the Renaissance masters. It requires experience and understanding of the alchemy: of turning flesh into clay, clay into metal and through a process of moulding, casting, refining and patination, resulting in a form and texture that conjures up the human presence once more.

I remember Shiden Hall, the home of Anne Lister, from school trips. But in those days lesbian relationships were not talked about. Our lesson began and ended with the history of the hall.

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