Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Fiddling While Rome Burns

Celebrating Dominica's 46 years of Independence.

I had in mind a painting on the theme of this post, but I've been too busy making emergency modifications to one of the island's water pumps. At least the community it serves can now celebrate having running water. A message from the water company's Head of Engineering reads as follows:

I greatly appreciate the professionalism with which you carry out your work. Many thanks for your speedy fabrication and modification of the parts. They are already installed and working. Thanks again for your excellent work.

If only the same appreciation could be shown for my attempts to have art and creativity high on the Ministry of Education's agenda. Out of 16 secondary schools on the island, only one acknowledged my offer of help. 

On the other hand, I've just received a message from a school in Bangladesh thanking me for my blog posts, books and videos.  

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