Sunday, November 17, 2024

Censorship by devious means

If an offence come out of truth, better is it that the offence come than that the truth be concealed. (St. Jerome)

Over the years I have corresponded with the US National Coalition Against Censorship on matters relating to censorship in the Caribbean and elsewhere in the world. Usually, the issue is with authorities censoring work.

However, I have recently met up with what appears to be selective censorship by surviving members of a deceased author's/artist's family. I can only assume that it is done for the sake of propriety. Presumably, there is something in the deceased person's work, beliefs or life history, that they would rather keep hidden from public scrutiny.   

To guard against my own work suffering the same fate, I have instructed my family that, after I've gone, nothing shall be censored. All is relevant. 

On the subject censorship, I admire blogger's stand on freedom of content and the fact that the author of a blog post owns the copyright. This is diametrically opposite to Facebook's censorship of the nude and content that has no copyright restrictions. 

My blog has a large following from artists and art students in countries where blogger is banned, regardless of content. They have to resort to devious means to access my work. Their tenacity gives hope that freedom of expression will prevail.

My dear friend, the Virgin Island poet Sheila Hydman, prophesied, All that will be left is an old forgotten poem like mine. I fervently hope that her life's work, in its entirety will be remembered. 

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