Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Do I Begin?

For a diary to capture the essence of life, it has to jotted down in the heat of the moment.  By next day, the mood has passed.   Hence, I will not attempt to record in chronological order all that has happened after a lapse of almost ten years.  I will begin with today and fill in the gaps as I go along. 

Suffice to say, that in the intervening years my studio has shifted from the North of England to the warmth of the Caribbean.  Likewise, my work is not the same today as it was yesterday.  Creativity, by its very nature, does not repeat itself.  The differences may be subtle but there are differences none the less. 

My diary is a work in progress.  As the weeks go by, I will add an on-line gallery of my paintings and sculptures and keep you updated on my workshops and life classes.  Occasionally, I will dip into the archives and bring you snippets from my earlier diaries.  Denise will invite you to follow the progress of the two and a half acres of gardens that she has single-handedly created over the last six years and together we will share with you a lifestyle that, like the island of Dominica, defies the everyday.

Recently, in both paintings and sketches, I have focused solely on the figure.  One of my works in progress is a life-size stretched torso with my wife Denise as the model.  Today’s picture was taken just after this morning’s session.  Yes, we work seven days a week! 


There will be more about the torso in the days to come.

1 comment:

  1. I always maintain that the Sculpture Studio Diary that you kept and put on-line about ten years ago must have been one of the very first blogs. So it is especially good to see it updated and delivered with all the technological ease of Blogger. I look forward to following it in the weeks and months to come.
