Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where do I start, when do I finish...

Where do I start and when do I finish?  These perplexing questions challenge me at the beginning and end of each piece of work, whether it is a watercolour painting or the clay sketch for life-size figure in bronze.

The creative process begins before I put down my first wash or apply my first handful of clay.  I may have a subject in mind, but how do I portray it?   How can I make permanent that first fleeting impression?  It takes a lifetime to know, not so much what to put into a painting, but what to leave out.  The same applies to sculpture, hence the importance of knowing when to finish.

Sometimes my wife Denise knows when to call a halt better than I do.  She has my permission to take away my paint box when she sees that I have said enough.  In that way, she has saved many a painting from ruin.

We are currently struggling where, in terms of anatomy, to finish the torso that I am currently working on.  A torso usually finishes at the neck, but as you can see from today’s picture, we have taking this one to the lips.  Denise is adamant that we should stop there.  I will take her advice.  There is no way I dare risk incurring the wrath of both my wife and model…in any case, she’s right! 

Hence, as you can see in today’s picture, I have suggested the face without showing the face.