Friday, March 11, 2011

My family as models…

Our daughters Tania and Trina modelled for my sculpture “The Dancing Girls” when they were five and six years old.  They are now seventeen and eighteen.  Our son Tristan, now eight, has the distinction of modelling for his first piece when he was only eight months old.   Even earlier in the family’s lifespan, a series of watercolours follows Denise through pregnancy. 

One thing’s for sure, it was easier to get Tristan to model at eight months than it was to get him to sit for his portrait today eight years later.  He made a deal: I help him to fix his model cars and he’ll sit for his portrait. 

I suppose, when you look at the picture below, that shrewd business acumen was set on his face at an early age.  If he could have talked, I am sure he would have twisted my arm for something or other.

Here’s today’s portrait of an entrepreneur in the making!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the sculpture. It really captures 'slightly chubby baby with wondering expression'!
