Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Smart Art :(

River Esk, Whitby. An original "painting" by Alan Burnett 

I am taking the content of this post directly from my brother's blog News from Nowhere. I quote:

This is my entry for the 2021 season of Sky TV's Landscape Artist Of The Year.  Watching the show on a regular basis I have become intrigued at how the artists use their smartphones to compose and record a scene, which they then go on to paint. Once painted they use the same smart phones to photograph the painting to submit it for consideration by the program. My approach is slightly different: I cut out the middle man. The smart phone records the scene, paints the picture and then submits it. Saves time all around.

My brother's satirical post exactly corresponds to my own views on the cowardly copyists who attempt to pass as "artists". The painter J M W Turner (1775-1851) must be turning in his grave. To capture the effects he needed for his painting Snow Storm: Steamboat off the Harbour's Mouth he instructed the the sailors to lash him to the mast so he could observe it.

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