Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The field vs. the corn…

John Constable was always ready and willing to sell his finished paintings but reluctant to part with his sketches.  As he said, “I don't mind parting with the corn, but not with the field in which it was raised.”
Today I came across a small sketchbook that I had almost forgot about.  Many of the sketches are of church interiors, a favourite subject of mine.  They range from the simple to the ornate.  Either way my pen takes up the challenge with alacrity and with a freedom that at times makes the resulting sketch difficult for even me to figure out. 
Here, for you to figure out, is my sketch of the ornate pulpit of Sir George Gilbert Scott’s All Souls Church, Halifax, Yorkshire.  Incidentally, the painting sold!

1 comment:

  1. Was (is) All Soul's the church at the bottom of Hayley Hill, not far from North Bridge?
