Saturday, August 3, 2019

Making love and making art

In my book Notes on the Nude I refer to the similarities between making love and making art. Passion and creativity are the key ingredients of both. If the task is belaboured you screw up. 

The artist's experience lies so unbelievably close to the sexual, to its pain and its pleasure, that the two phenomena are really just different forms of one and the same longing and bliss. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Like true love, the creative endeavours of artist and model are thwarted with difficulties and success verges on impossibility. Inspiration is dependent on the united body and soul of both. Trying too hard induces failure more often than not trying at all. Our shared muse "laughs and flies when pressed and bidden".

You can add that both endevours demand one's full attention. After seventy-six years I thought that I could paint my model (Naomi) and tutor my model/aspiring art student (Collean) both at the same time. Well, to a degree I can, but not to the nth degree. And it takes the nth degree to pull off a successful painting when working from the live model at the speed of light and to give my student the attention she deserves.

Poor light and mosquitoes that were intent on eating Naomi alive, didn't help matters.

I failed on two attempts but came close on the painting above and the one below. Thank you Naomi and Collean. Without my models my work would not exist. I can't get passionate about a photograph. And while I am still in this world I remain committed to enthuse the next generation of artists.

My initial despondency that followed yesterday's session was dispelled when I was shopping in town this morning. Two of my followers begged me not to give up...your passion and paintings make life so much more worth living.

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