Saturday, April 23, 2011

A thousand words plus…

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a map must be worth double.  I have a fascination for maps and charts and occasionally drawn them for a living.  Anyone sailing the Virgin Islands relies on charts that I made of those waters thirty years ago.  (Don’t tell a soul, but I added a few extra coral heads to deter others from anchorages that I wanted to keep to myself.)  I have also drawn pictorial maps of many of England’s rivers and canals.  When times were hard, I sold them door to door and from market stalls. 

Today’s picture is a map of the gardens that surround our house, workshops and studio.  North is from bottom to top and for scale the building measures 100 feet from one end to the other.  The drive drops down from the road to a relatively level lawn area.  There is a steep fall on all sides from our house to the river.  The remains of the old sugar works is in the top corner.

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